Monitoring: three new mapping tools launched

Monitoring: three new mapping tools launched

Three new mapping tools are now available for monitoring water and sanitation projects: Water Point Mapper, h2.0 Monitoring Service to Inform and Empower Initiative and FLOW, Field Level Operations Watch,

Water Point Mapper

This free tool, developed by WaterAid, produces maps showing the status of water supply services in district and sub-district levels in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Mapper has been designed for use by local governments in situations where there is no internet connectivity.

Based on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, it instantly converts water point data into Google Earth compatible maps. Google Earth can be run locally in the field on a machine completely offline. The maps can be saved as images which can be easily shared.

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h2.0 Monitoring Service to Inform and Empower Initiative

This service is testing innovations in water and sanitation services monitoring, with special attention to providing public access to visual information through Google Earth. The h2.0 map viewer currently visualises datasets from Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. The service is an initiative of the h2.0 consortium, which consists of the following organisations:, UN-HABITAT, GTZ, The University of Twente and WaterAid.

Read more on WASH Resources publised wednseday 03 nov 2010

FLOW, Field Level Operations Watch

Water for People launched FLOW in October 2010. Using Android cell phone technology and Google Earth software, FLOW provides anyone on the Internet access to project data. This visual open-source data monitoring database was developed by Gallatin Systems. Field data about water points or sanitation systems can be collected by local staff with an Android phone and uploaded on to Google Maps and Google Earth.

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