Private Sector Participation in the Operation and Maintennace of Small Towns Water Supply - Tumu

Private Sector Participation in the Operation and Maintennace of Small Towns Water Supply - Tumu

TitlePrivate Sector Participation in the Operation and Maintennace of Small Towns Water Supply - Tumu
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of PublicationSubmitted
AuthorsConsultant, BAAAkan

This case studies will bring out the interesting innovations currently available in the country by which the poor are served with water, sanitation and hygiene education – analysing them from the perspective of the impact of the innovations and factors responsible for the impacts.
This report contains the processes and initial outcomes, policy implications, and lessons of a management contract within a public private partnership arrangement for water delivery in Tumu, the district capital of the Sissala East District Assembly of the Upper West Region, one of the three poorest regions of Ghana.
Tumu has the only one functioning small town pipe system in the district. There are five boreholes from which water is pumped into three overhead tanks for distribution to inhabitants of the town.

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This case studies will bring out the interesting innovations currently available in the country by which the poor are served with water, sanitation and hygiene education– analysing them from the perspective of the impact of the innovations and factors responsible for the impacts.

This report contains the processes and initial outcomes, policy implications, and lessons of a management contract within a public private partnership arrangement for water delivery in Tumu, the district capital of the Sissala East District Assembly of the Upper West Region, one of the three poorest regions of Ghana.

Tumu has the only one functioning small town pipe system in the district. There are five boreholes from which water is pumped into three overhead tanks for distribution to inhabitants of the town.