TPP Strategy papers

TPP Strategy papers

Find here the TPP strategies on Learning alliances, monitoring and learning and communication.

TPP Communication Strategy

This communication strategy explains what TPP’s key communications objectives are and how we hope to achieve them. The strategy has been adapted to support TPP’s two-fold key project objectives:
1. To identify and test a range of different management models for providing water services to the urban poor
2. To support the creation of the enabling environment (policy, regulation etc.) necessary for these models to be widely scaled up.

The TPP Learning Alliance Strategy

The TPP Learning Alliance Strategy. Submitted.

The Learning Alliance approach addresses a number of challenges that research and development projects typically face, including: ensuring the uptake of research findings, bringing innovation to scale, and dealing with complexity.

The latter is addressed by moving from an overly narrow focus on one aspect of a problem in isolation, towards one that looks at the problem as an integrated whole and adopts a holistic approach to solving it.

The TPP Monitoring and Learning Strategy

The TPP Monitoring and Learning Strategy. Submitted.

Monitoring can serve two main purposes:

- Accounting of how resources have been spent and what has been the result and impact of that towards donors and other stakeholders

- Internal learning on what has been the result of project activities, which can inform follow-up planning
Ideally, monitoring should strike a balance between these two.

This concept note intends to outline the monitoring framework to be used in the TPP Project, with special emphasis on outcome monitoring.